Three bands from Guwahati rocked the finals of the rock competition on January 30, 2016, held under Euphony music fest at RnB Club in Gitanagar. While Lady Midday received the Music Malt Best Band award, The Last Theory and The Connectors won the 1st and 2nd Runners-up trophies. The winners got certificates, gift hampers and a prize money of Rs 15,000.
Lady Midday performing live at Eupony music fest |
The judges for the evening were renowned guitarist of Assam, Rajib Hazarika and Trinity College London passed Vinod M Singh from Bangalore. Celebrated actor and playback singer from Assam Queen Hazarika hosted the event.
Founded in September 2014, Lady Midday is a rock band from Guwahati consists of Himon Choudhury (vocals), Hirak Jyoti Kalita (guitars), Riaz Ahmed (guitars), Adnan Ahmed (bass) and Boris Pegu on drums. The band has so far managed to bag 1st Runner-up trophies at Ransack, Auxesis v 5.0 (Dibrugarh University) and Rock Rising National Beat Contest. The band also won the Best Original trophy for the song 'Hey You' at Rock Rules 2015 at Sanskriti, AIMT.
The Last Theory at Euphony Rock Competition |
The Connectors is Guwahati based rock band consists of Nisht Kashyap, Arnesh Barua, Nitish Pathak and Pritam das. This is the first time the band has won a professional level competition.
The Connectors at Euphony-A Winter Nocturne |
The event was sponsored by Peerless Mutual Fund and powered by Music Malt in association with ChaiTunes, Purple Trope, Mousai and North-East India.